Sunday, August 14, 2022


I direct a ministry called Replenish. We help Pastors and Leaders get and stay Replenished so they can live out of their overflow. We do things like coaching, provide sabbatical resources, work with relational cohorts, do Replenish Experiences and help people with Soul Care.

I do lots of blogging there aimed at caring for Pastors and showing off some of our Replenish Experiences and encouraging thoughts about living Replenished

One thing we encourage people to do in order to live replenished and lead from their overflow is to follow a simple rhythm: Divert Daily, Withdraw Weekly and Abandon Annually. Future blogs will deal with that. But feel free to join us at both sites to keep fresh and keep your soul healthy. 


This is where we start. Take a five-minute vacation everyday. Watch the sunrise, take a short walk, practice intentional breathing. Something different, out of the ordinary. Take a five-minute break to catch your soul, or let your soul catch up to you. 

Daily hack - I do a wordle or even a quordle (look it up)


A Sabbath is a weekly rhythm to rest but to take your hand off of all your doings and reflect on God. Its an opportunity to withdraw from busyness and chill, relax, reflect, refocus and redirect. Not only is it an opportunity but a command. It's one of God top 10. Do it!


This is a little self-promoting but get away once a year. Pull the plug on everything and do something for you. Ya, it sounds selfish but it's not. Unplug for a week or a month. I know, you are saying, "I cant afford to do that", but honestly, if we understand what stress does to us and how badly our body's and souls need rest, we cannot afford not to. We tell those who are on Replenish Experiences with us to get on a trip with us every year. 

Whatever you do, vacation, time away, whatever, take some time every year for you. I personally challenge people to do a vacation AND replenish every year. 

Planning these rhythms in your life will help you live better, live life to the fullest and frankly, live longer. the choice is yours, 

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