my thoughts on colors and a little song from my past.
red is a passionate, emotional and intense color. it shows energy, strength, leadership and courage. it is associated with power, desire, love war, and danger.
orange shares attributes with red and yellow. It is a lighter shade of red with the energy of red and the joy of yellow. it is happy, creative, enthusiastic and stimulating. it is not as hot as red but is seen more as healthy and healing.
yellow is happy, warm, pure and cheerful. it is warm and stimulating and can increase metabolism but can be too aggressive because it is fatiguing to the eye. yellow used with black means caution.
green is nature, growth, life, stability and endurance. dark green is associated with environment, balance, tranquility, jealousy and money. yellowish green is sickly.
blue is ocean, melancholy, sky, heaven, cleanliness, stability, trust and corporate. when combined with other colors it can yield energy and command attention.
purple is royalty, luxury, wealth, wisdom, mystery and magic. it combines blue’s stability and red’s energy.
white is purity, cold, cleanliness, sterility and depicts faith. wearing white clothes can make you look heavy.
black is strength, fear, power, formality and mystery, grief. wearing black clothes can make you look lighter.
Red is the color of the blood that flowed
Down the face of Someone Who loved us so
He's the perfect man, He's the Lord's own son,
He's the Lamb of God, He's the only one
That can give us life, that can make us grow,
That can make the love between us flow.
Blue is the color of a heart so cold
It will not bend when the story's told
Of the love of God for a sinful race
Of the blood that flowed down Jesus face
That can give us life, that can make us grow
That can keep our hearts from growing cold.
Gold is the color of the morning sun
That shines so freely an every one
It's the sun above that keeps us warm
It's the Son of love that calms the storm
That can give us life that can make us grow,
That can turn our mornings into gold.
Brown is the color of the autumn leaves
When the winter comes to the barren trees
There is birth, there is death, there is a plan
And there's just one God, and there's just one man
That can give us life, that can make us grow
That can make our sins as white as snow
That can give us life, that can make us grow
That can turn our mornings into gold.
That can give us life, that can make us grow
That can keep our hearts from growing cold.
That can give us life, that can make us grow
That can make the love between us flow.
wow rawd bee you are beginning to impress me with your rhetoric articles and your indepth defining of colours. Can it be I have finally found an American of depth, of class, a thinker? Surely a rare breed! Or have I misjudged America? Most Americans I have met wouldn't be able to spell rhetoric let alone explain it. Love you lots Rawd B, keely x
you can also view my blog from this link which i update regularly. read and enjoy. Keely
Hey, $Dan here I love that song. Check it out on a an album called Never Say Dinosaur, it's Petra songs redone.
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