Today was free day; not sure why. Or how.
I heard a couple of days ago that there is a restaurant in town that gives free dinner on Monday nights. Seriously, free. And this place is a pretty up scale place. I've been wanting to eat there for a while, and i even planned on paying. but two days ago i heard they were free so i called and got reservations for tonight. I'm even taking some friends, my treat!
So dinner was covered.
I went for coffee at a local coffee shop, "coffee in a mug please" and i held a five dollar bill out.
She smiled and said, "well, i don't have a cash drawer right now, and it's only coffee". Cool. I'm sure it had nothing to do with my high likability or pithy pleasantries; all which were present.
Coincidental? It was only two freebies.
At lunch time my daughter and i had to run errands. i noticed a local sandwich shop was opening up near me, and i love their spicy pepper gardinara. I was excited and we went it to grab a jar and a bite. they said i couldn't buy the gardinara because today was a grand opening for friends and family. And even though i couldn't buy my beloved condiment we could get free sandwiches, sides and drinks. Score! Oh, and they even through in the gardina in the end.
Really, i don't deserve any of it, I'm nobody special.
So, wow, what a great day and its only 4:22pm. Maybe free dessert, or maybe i should buy a lottery ticket. No, what I'm gonna do is share my happiness by way of bloggging and add some happy commentary.
Free stuff is cool and truly the best things in life are free. Can you name a few i can, and 9 of the top 10 all have names. Besides my freedom in Christ and the gift of free salvation which is the best gift of all, relationships with friends and family are president. I am blessed to have an incredible (and hot) wife and awesome kids. I also have the best friends in the world; I'm sure the envy of everyone.
I'm not gonna get greedy now but i am gonna look for other free things; not dead presidents floating on the ground or looking for someone to hand me the keys to their 2010 Range Rover (although i wouldn't refuse). I'm gonna keep my eyes open to little free things that i normally miss. I'm gonna have my free radar on and I'm gonna appreciate all the things in my life, especially the most important and valuable and crucial freebies; love and relationships.
1 comment:
I love it when Jesus does things like this! I think it is His way of reminding us that he knows our address! I learned this well during Katrina! He really knows where I live he truly is ordering our steps! Tonyaj
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