Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Headlines and Testimonies - Words from Leonard Sweet

Ok, so i missed a day blogging, in my 7 x 7 campaign, but who is noticing? So to make up, i'll do two today. here is number one. some words from leonard sweet i hear passed on from andy mcquity at irving bible church while listening to their pod cast. Good stuff. follow the link to see the whole quote.

in speaking of getting something done, or fanning the flame of gods purpose in your life, leonard sweet offers the following.

One of our students received an appointment from a bishop, and the studentdid not feel the placement exactly suited his abilities.I overheard him complaining about it to another student, and then the otherstudent said, "You know, the world's a better place because Michelangelo didnot say, 'I don't do ceilings.' "Her comment stopped me dead in my tracks. I had to admit she was right.If you and I are going to be faithful to the ministry God is calling us to,then we had better understand that. I reflected on the attitudes of keypeople throughout the Scriptures and the history of the church.The world's a better place because a German monk named Martin Luther did notsay, "I don't do doors." (read more follow link below).

Headlines and Testimonies - Words from Leonard Sweet


Anonymous said...

Rawdbee! I am so glad I found you! I totally googled your name and came up with this site. ;) I am getting married! I know, it is hard to believe. But... I need your address please. You of course need a wedding invitation. I hope you are doing wonderful.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, my email address is You can send your address there. :)