i love a good meal. i love to take my time and order everything. last summer i met some french friends for lunch in paris. they requested we have a good french meal. michelle explained that meant, no rush, plenty of courses and most importantly, plenty of good conversation.
after navigating my way through a menu of goose liver pate, frog legs and escargot (snails), i found course after course of the most incredible food being brought to the table, each entree good for the body and the pallet, each plate better than the one before. the food enriched the conversation and vice versa. truly one of the best meals ever.
meanwhile back in the states we chow down on fast 'food' and faster conversation. we seldom emerse ourselves in culinary courage or cleaver conversation. we don't digest, we conquest. and although we think we get more, we wind up empty; malnourished, lacking necessary substance but looking acceptable and pretending we feel good. we don't need more snacks of substance but meals of significance.
make exchanges count.
* eat a good meal and enjoy it.
* spend time with a friend and talk about nothing important but everything substantial.
* go without instead of settling for.
* journal anything of value and keep it alive longer.
* value today and all its wonder
stop nibbling and start digesting.
Posted by rawdbee. at 1:08 PM 0 comments Links to this post
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